BlackHog joins as a sponsor of SATAL 2020
Hello guys,
How are you enjoying DCS SATAL this year? For those of you that don’t know what it is yet, check out this post: https://www.black-hog.com/2020/06/05/satal-2020-is-here/
We believe that flight sims deserve quality, big scale competitions like this, and this is one of the reasons why we support SATAL. We know it’s a great challenge, and that it’s still a young project, but one that will grow to be much more that a simple pvp tournament.
And to help it grow, this year BlackHog is offering the winners the following prizes:
– Diamond League: BlackHog devices and gear with a total value of 1200$
– Gold League: BlackHog devices and gear with a total value of 800$
Make sure to let us know what will you like to see covered about the competition. Pilots setups, the best podcast, highlight videos, the squadrons sites and channels, or anything that you can think of. We will keep following the competition and bringing you updates.
See you in the skies and check your six!