Deep space videographers – Elite Dangerous
Saying that Elite Dangerous is a gorgeous looking game might be an understatement. It’s one of those few games where you don’t need goals or “missions”, just traveling through the cosmos and enjoying the ride can be more than enough.
Some people, or lets better say Commanders, go beyond that and decide to share their experience with us using pictures and videos of their voyages. Thanks to them we can enjoy the charm of the void every week in Youtube and Twitter.
@CMDR_eagle131 seems specially fond of Videography in Elite Dangerous, and in his last video pays homage to a few of our top film makers and photographers of the Galaxy, in this case @cmdrexorcist, @CmdrRheeney, @OrangePheonixo7 and @Cmdr_Zer0axis.
So I will shut up now and let you enjoy this little gem, turn up the volume and enjoy “The Lensing Effect”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdPpXk4PHDs
Fly safe Commanders
The BlackHog Team